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  • 12-Sep-2024 9:20 AM | Anonymous

    The Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry at the University of Kentucky invites applications for a tenure track faculty position at the ASSISTANT professor level. Candidates must possess a Ph.D., MD or equivalent degree. Extramural funding is not required; however applicants should have potential to develop a robust, extramurally funded research program. Competitive start-up funds and appropriate space will be offered.

    We are particularly interested in candidates whose research area complements existing departmental strengths in the structural and cellular biology of cardiovascular, muscle, neurological, and metabolic diseases as well as cancer. Translational research programs that encompass aspects of both basic and clinical research are of special interest, particularly those that make use of advanced organoid models. The Department offers a stimulating and collaborative environment, with a strong graduate program, and shared, state-of-the-art equipment. The University of Kentucky houses an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, a federally supported Alzheimer’s Disease Center, and a Clinical and Translational Science Award. In addition, the University is undergoing a significant expansion of its biomedical research program.

    Evaluation of applicants will begin October 15, 2024 and continue until the position is filled. Interested applicants should visit to access the online faculty application. Required application materials include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, description of current and future research (≤ 4 pages with a ½ page abstract), teaching philosophy (≤ 2 pages), and the names of three references.

    Inquiries may be directed to the Chair of the Faculty Search Committee at:

    For further information about the Department, please visit:

  • 07-Nov-2023 1:51 PM | Karlett Parra

    The University of Kentucky (UK) College of Medicine, a leading academic medical institution that empowers a diverse and inclusive environment to provide excellence in education, equitable health care, and transformative scientific research to improve the health and wellness of Kentuckians and beyond, invites nominations, inquiries, and applications for the position of Chair to lead the highly ranked Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry.

    Researchers in the department utilize cutting-edge approaches to understand the molecular basis of disease, including work focused on cancer, cardiovascular disease, infectious disease, aging and neurodegenerative disorders. Departmental research is funded by a wide variety of agencies, including awards from the NIH, positioning the program as one of the top fifteen NIH-funded biochemistry departments at public medical schools.

    Candidates should demonstrate strong leadership skills as a listener, decision-maker, humanist, and an effective advocate for the department and its faculty. The next Chair will have a background that includes experience developing collaborative initiatives and the personal characteristics needed to promote, foster, and facilitate the trust of colleagues and the broader University faculty. The successful applicant should demonstrate impeccable integrity and be an effective communicator. Prior extensive administrative experience as a department chair, vice chair, or director of graduate studies or equivalent is preferred.

    Procedure for Candidacy

    Please direct all confidential inquiries, nominations, and applications (including a letter of interest and CV) to Jeff Schroetlin, Joyce De Leo, Ph.D. and Jillian Williams, at

    Candidates will also need to apply through the employment website at the University of Kentucky. The posting can be found by searching for requisition # FE02949, or via the quick link:

    Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. All applications will be handled in a secure, sensitive, and confidential manner.

  • 02-Nov-2023 1:58 PM | Anonymous

    The Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry is looking to recruit to a Canada Research Chair Tier 2 positon. We are looking for a candidate with a strong research program focused on any area of metabolomics research who can also demonstrate strong technical ability and the ability to acquire, set up and maintain shared instrumentation.

    The successful candidate will hold a PhD with advanced training in biochemistry, chemistry or closely related area and a demonstrated ability to both drive their own independent research program as well as collaborate with other researchers. The successful candidate’s research interests will be supported by a record of impactful and significant publications and research accomplishments as assessed by the principles of DORA. They should be a recognized early career national or international leader as exemplified by invited lectures and/or conference symposia as appropriate for their discipline and career stage. Demonstrated ability to secure career-stage appropriate external peer-reviewed funding (e.g., CIHR, NSERC, NIH etc.) would be an asset. Successful candidates will have a record of incorporating EDID principles into their research, teaching and/or mentorship.

    The full job ad is at:

  • 01-Nov-2023 11:50 AM | Liskin Swint-Kruse (Administrator)

    Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The University of Kansas Medical Center- Molecular mechanisms relevant to metabolism and metabolic disease

    Position Summary:
    KU School of Medicine is seeking an outstanding foundational scientist to join the faculty of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. This is a 12-month, full-time, tenure-track position to develop and conduct an independent research program, engage in teaching medical and graduate students, and serve the KUMC community. The appointment will be at the Assistant Professor level.

    The Department seeks strong applicants with demonstrated track records of publications and interdisciplinary collaborations, with a focus on molecular mechanisms relevant to metabolism and metabolic disease, including but not limited to obesity, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, and lipid biology. Technical expertise should include advanced molecular or cellular approaches to study, for example, (allosteric) regulation of metabolic pathways and enzymes, lipid biology, mitochondrial redox biology, signal transduction, post-translational modifications, autophagy, or transcriptional regulation. Opportunities exist and are encouraged for collaborations with faculty in the University of Kansas NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, the KUMC Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, KU Diabetes Institute, Kansas Center for Metabolism and Obesity Research and the Center for Children’s Healthy Lifestyles & Nutrition, as well as multiple other centers and departments. We offer a competitive start up package and an impressive array of core facilities that support metabolic, mitochondrial, proteomic, genomics, and imaging needs of the research program.

    The position will also allow for teaching in the medical school curriculum and graduate programs which includes the PhD program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Applications will be considered from early career scientists. Academic appointment, compensation, and start-up package at the Assistant Professor level, will be competitive and commensurate with experience, scientific accomplishments, and needs.

    Appointments at the assistant professor rank are accompanied by an initial probationary period of seven years. Criteria for promotion include significant achievements in teaching, research/scholarship, and service. The award of tenure is based on potential for sustained contributions, performing beyond expected duties, and demonstrating leadership and innovation. The expectation is that the investigator will maintain an extramurally funded research program and make significant achievements in research, teaching, and service to enhance the mission and reputation of the University.

    Please submit a cover letter, CV, names of 3-5 references and Statement of Research Plans with your application.

  • 30-Oct-2023 2:03 PM | Karlett Parra

    Position Summary:
    The Department of Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry (MB&B) ( at Yale University invites applications for a lecturer or senior lecturer with an appointment starting July 1, 2024. The initial appointment will be either one year (Lecturer) or three years
    (Senior Lecturer), renewable. Responsibilities include teaching and further developing a research-based undergraduate biochemistry lab course in both semesters, as well as teaching one additional course to be determined. The laboratory course will be taught in a state-of-the-
    art facility with help from a support staff that prepares media and other supplies. Our students are an extraordinary group of highly motivated individuals from diverse backgrounds. We seek a colleague who will be an interactive member of our department, and a leader in our missions to teach, to mentor, and to promote equity and inclusion among our students. A mentoring committee, appointed by the Chair, will work with the successful candidate to support their
    continued professional growth. This is intended to be a long-term position and there is a promotion track (Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Senior Lecture II).
    Required Qualifications:
    • A Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Biophysics, or related fields
    • Strong communication and organizational skills
    • Knowledge of course design, assessment methods, and modern evidence-based
    teaching strategies
    • Documented evidence of classroom and/or laboratory teaching ability
    Application Process:
    Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2023 and will continue until the position is filled. Please address any questions to

    Applicants should create a profile at Interfolio ( and upload the required application documents.

    Yale University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. Yale values diversity among its students, staff, and faculty and strongly welcomes applications from women, persons with disabilities, protected veterans, and underrepresented minorities.

  • 16-Oct-2023 5:55 PM | Karen Gottlieb (Administrator)

    The Department of Biochemistry invites applications for a tenure-track position at the level of Assistant Professor in “Gene-Nutrient Interactions in Human Health and Development”. The Department of Biochemistry currently offers an undergraduate degree program in Human Biosciences. In addition, robust graduate programs in both Human Biosciences and Food Sciences are offered. This position is a cornerstone of the department’s strategic plan to provide world-class, inclusive education in Human Biosciences. The Department of Biochemistry has identified “Molecular Biochemistry of Life Processes” and “Nutritional Biochemistry” as primary research foci for future development, with a particular focus on the molecular basis of human health and disease. The successful applicant will be expected to develop an independent, externally funded research program that studies the relationship of gene-nutrient interactions to human health, chronic disease, and/or development throughout the lifespan. This research program should use cutting edge molecular and/or cellular biology techniques. The exact research specialization within these general areas is open but those studying gut microbiome and nutrients in host gene expression, trans-generational effects of nutrition on epigenome/epigenetics, the relationship of diet to genetic risk factors of disease, or in-born errors of metabolism are particularly encouraged to apply. The successful candidate should utilize a variety of experimental approaches but it is expected that their research program will have significant pre-clinical (i.e. animal and/or cellular models) and/or translational aspects. It is also envisaged that through the establishment of new collaborations, the successful applicant will further strengthen ties between the two research foci in the Department, as well as strengthening ties within the wider Faculty of Science and other units on campus such as the School of Human Kinetics and Recreation, the Faculty of Medicine, and the School of Pharmacy. The successful applicant will be required to contribute to teaching and supervision in the Human Biosciences undergraduate program, as well as to graduate degree course offerings, particularly in the areas of nutrient metabolism and human gene regulation.

    Applicants should have a strong research background with a Ph.D. and post-doctoral training in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Nutrition, Human Biosciences, or closely related fields with a strong record of publications. A demonstrated track record of or potential for teaching excellence in Human Biosciences would be an asset. Interested applicants should submit a 1) cover letter, 2) full CV, 3) summary of proposed research (no more than three pages), 4)

    description of teaching and mentoring philosophy (no more than three pages), 5) statement outlining their EDI philosophy, commitment and implementation strategy (no more than 1 page) and 6) a list of at least three referees with complete contact information. Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) has an established policy for spousal appointments, so if this is of interest to the candidate, please include in the cover letter.

    The Department of Biochemistry is in an active phase of faculty renewal and moved to a new state-of-the-art facility in 2021. MUN has a strong commitment to interdisciplinary research and teaching. The successful applicant is encouraged to strengthen and expand departmental ties with other disciplines locally, nationally, and internationally through research and/or pedagogy-focussed collaborations. The Department is committed to increasing diversity; to support this goal, a team approach to mentorship and many additional supports for new academic staff are provided. As part of the commitment of the Department of Biochemistry to equity, diversity and inclusion, the hiring committee will implement best practices to reduce unconscious bias and to ensure that initial shortlisting of candidates includes those from under-represented target groups at the level they exist in the applicant pool according to Statistics Canada.

    All parts of the applications should be submitted as a single pdf document to Dr. Robert Bertolo, Head of Department, at by no later than Dec 1, 2023, using the subject heading “Gene-Nutrient Interaction tenure-track position”. We thank all interested applicants, but only those selected for interview will be contacted further. The position is subject to budgetary approval. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.

    Memorial University is committed to employment equity, diversity, inclusion and anti-racism, and encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including: women; people of any sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression; Indigenous Peoples; visible minorities, and racialized people; and people with disabilities. All applicants are invited to identify themselves as a member of an equity-deserving group(s) as appropriate. Applicants cannot be considered as a member of an equity-deserving group(s) unless they complete an employment equity survey. Memorial is committed to providing an inclusive learning and work environment. If there is anything we can do to ensure your full participation during the application process please contact directly and we will work with you to make appropriate arrangements.

    MUN is the largest university in Atlantic Canada. As the province’s only university, we play an integral role in the education and cultural life of Newfoundland and Labrador. Offering diverse undergraduate and graduate programs to almost 18,000 students, MUN provides a distinctive and stimulating environment for learning in St. John’s, a safe friendly city with great historic charm, a vibrant cultural life and easy access to a wide range of outdoor activities.

    We acknowledge that the lands on which Memorial University's campuses are situated are in the traditional territories of diverse Indigenous groups, and we acknowledge with respect the diverse histories and cultures of the Beothuk, Mi'kmaq, Innu, and Inuit of this province.

  • 15-Sep-2023 4:47 PM | Karlett Parra



    The Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at the Boston University Chobanian and Avedisian School of Medicine ( invites application for a faculty position at the Assistant Professor level. The position comes with competitive salary, generous start-up support, and ample lab and office space.

     We are seeking scientists with a demonstrated record of productivity and scientific excellence, addressing important and challenging problems across a broad range of research areas, including, but not limited to, cell biology, systems biology, epigenetics and chromatin biology, RNA biology, and metabolism. Candidates must have a Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree, with relevant postdoctoral experience, and plans to develop a creative and independent research program. We especially welcome applications from members of all groups underrepresented in STEM.

     The successful candidate will join a welcoming and vibrant Department that in the last decade has enjoyed a major transformation in its personnel and infrastructure, including hiring new faculty members at all levels and renovation of 35,000 square feet of research space. Research currently encompasses six main themes: Development, Cell Biology, Genomics, Neuroscience, Metabolism, and Proteomics/Glycomics.

     Applicants should upload the following items to :

    •        Cover letter (max 1 page),
    •        Curriculum vitae including full list of publications,
    •        Research statement with a description of significant research accomplishments and future research plans (max 3 pages)
    •        Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) statement highlighting the commitment to mentoring diverse trainees and contributing to increasing inclusiveness and diversity in the Department (max 1 page)
    •        Names and email addresses of three persons who will provide letters of recommendation (to be submitted online by the reference writers)

     Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis through the Fall until the position is filled. Please direct email queries to

    Boston University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer

  • 15-Sep-2023 4:46 PM | Karlett Parra

    The College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at California State University, Long Beach is recruiting an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry. We are especially interested in candidates who are committed to serving a diverse student population. The ideal candidate will be able to develop and teach undergraduate and graduate biochemistry courses as well as initiate and sustain an independent externally funded research program that trains undergraduate and Masters’ degree students. We would greatly appreciate it if you could forward this opportunity to any postdoctoral fellows or research scientists that you think might be interested in applying. More information about the position and how to apply can be found here:  Review of applications will begin on October 31st, 2023. Please feel free to have anyone reach out to me directly if they have any questions, or they can contact the search committee Co-Chairs Jason Schwans ( and Paul Weers ( 

      Thank you for your time, 

      Jason Schwans

     Jason Schwans, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry 

    California State University, Long Beach 

    (562) 985-7778
  • 15-Aug-2023 3:48 PM | Anonymous

    The Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry at the University of Kentucky invites applications for a tenure track faculty position at the ASSISTANT, ASSOCIATE, or FULL professor level.  Candidates must possess a Ph.D., MD or equivalent degree. Senior applicants must have an active, extramurally funded research program. For junior applicants, extramural funding is not required. Competitive start-up funds and appropriate space will be offered.


    We are particularly interested in candidates whose research area complements existing departmental strengths in the structural and cellular biology of cardiovascular, neurological, and metabolic diseases as well as cancer.  Translational research programs that encompass aspects of both basic and clinical research are of special interest. The Department offers a stimulating and collaborative environment, with a strong graduate program, and shared, state-of-the-art equipment. Our present research funding is ranked in the top 20, nationally. The University of Kentucky houses an NCI-designated Cancer Center, a federally supported Alzheimer’s Disease Center, and a Clinical and Translational Science Award.  In addition, the University is undergoing a significant expansion of its biomedical research program. 


    Evaluation of applicants will begin September 1st, 2023 and continue until the position is filled.  Interested applicants should visit to access the online faculty application. Required application materials include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, description of current and future research (≤ 5 pages with a ½ page abstract), teaching philosophy (≤ 2 pages), and the names of three references. Inquiries may be directed to the Chair of the Faculty Search Committee at:


    For further information about the Department, please visit: University of Kentucky is an equal opportunity employer and encourages veterans, individuals with disabilities, women, and all minorities to consider our employment opportunities.
  • 30-Mar-2023 3:53 PM | Karen Gottlieb (Administrator)

    The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the University of Florida (UF) College of Medicine invites applications for a full-time, 12-month, non-tenure-accruing position at the rank of Lecturer, working title of Instructional Assistant Professor, in the area of Biochemistry with an emphasis on metabolism. This is a renewable appointment with the possibility of promotion based on experience and merit.

    The primary duties include teaching metabolism and related biochemical topics, working with other faculty instructors, coordinating course delivery, and facilitating student participation in the department’s large enrollment undergraduate course BCH4024 (Introduction to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) and in related undergraduate courses. Responsibilities related to this position may include course curriculum development, electronic course management, and advising undergraduate students. The successful candidate will be broadly trained in Biochemistry and/or Molecular Biology. In addition, the successful candidate will be expected to develop expertise necessary to assist in teaching other required courses in the existing curriculum and to develop new elective courses to augment current offerings.

    Pedagogical support is offered by the University of Florida Center for Teaching Excellence. Classroom and online technology support is offered by the University of Florida Center for Instructional Technology and Training.

    The University of Florida is among the most competitive and comprehensive public research universities in the United States. The university and greater Gainesville communities enjoy a diversity of cultural events, and year-round outdoor recreational activities.

     Our Commitment

    The UF College of Medicine and the Department are committed to diversity, inclusion, and health equity through the efforts of actively finding, developing, and including the best talent to support our vision of being “a premier institution focused on promoting health and alleviating human suffering through exceptional education, discovery, innovation and patient-centered health care of the highest quality.” As part of the college’s strategic plan, many initiatives have been launched in support of our vision to lead the nation in promoting and celebrating workplace diversity and inclusion and support comprehensive, intentional strategies to advance health care equity and access to care.

    To learn more about the College of Medicine’s strategic plan “Engage, Innovate, Excel 2026”, please visit:


    Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience, and includes a full benefits package.

    • Ph.D. in Biochemistry or a closely related field or have fulfilled all requirements for the degree by the start of the appointment.
    • Strong background in metabolism.
    • Demonstrable expertise in teaching at the undergraduate level.
    • Availability to start by Fall of 2023
    • Ability to work collaboratively with faculty and staff in the unit and across campus.
    • Experience teaching large enrollment and online undergraduate classes.
    • Familiarity with the Canvas online course platform.
    • Availability to start by Summer of 2023

    For full consideration, please submit the following with your application:

    1. A letter summarizing qualifications, interests, and suitability for the position plans.
    2. Statement of teaching philosophy.
    3. A curriculum vitae, including contact information for three references. References will only be contacted at the final stage of the interview process.
    4. Recent course evaluations demonstrating excellence in teaching.

    Applications will be reviewed beginning January 16, 2023, and will remain open until the position is filled. You may send email inquiries about the position to Dr. Lauren Douma, Chair of the Search Committee (, but please be aware that all materials must be submitted via the online application as outlined above.

    The University of Florida is An Equal Employment Opportunity Institution. If an accommodation due to a disability is needed to apply for this position, please call 352/392-2477 or the Florida Relay System at 800/955-8771 (TDD). Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the US. Searches are conducted in accordance with Florida's Sunshine Law.

    Application must be submitted by 11:55 p.m. (ET) of the posting end date.


    ADVERTISED:22 Feb 2023  Eastern Standard Time
    APPLICATIONS CLOSE:02 Apr 2023 Eastern Daylight Time

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